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Church Jobs

The Definative List of Church Job Websites

Church Jobs

Whether you’re looking to find a church job or fill one, the process can be rather daunting. Where does one even start? How much will it cost? How long will it take? What happens if the new job or new hire is not working out? All of these are valid concerns, and fortunately, wherever there’s concern …there’s commerce! 


There are companies out there trying to make the process a lot easier for you while making a little money for themselves in the process. They do this by creating job boards or by working as a professional staffing agency.


Job boards are the corkboards of the internet for current open pastor positions. Fortunately, they’re typically a tad more advanced than a literal corkboard, and they aim to make the job or candidate search process a breeze. 


Staffing agencies, however, are typically far more sophisticated and more carefully tailored to provide a hands-on, in-depth, professional, and personalized approach to the hiring process. 


Whether we’re talking about job boards or staffing agencies, pretty much everyone claims to be the top dog in one way or another. They have the best product, the most exceptionally experienced church staff — you’ve probably heard the sales pitches before. 

Of course, logically, if that were true about one company, it couldn’t be true about the others! So I’ve pulled together this list of 30 websites to help you sift through the sands of self-promoting sensationalism.


For job boards, the focus is going to be primarily on the website's features and functionality, as well as size and cost. For staffing agencies, we want to focus on their mission, vision, and unique characteristics because the truth is you're a worship leader, church planting, associate pastor, in youth ministry, children's ministry director at a baptist church, first presbyterian church or your community church these sites are sure to help your find the right position!


Ready? Let’s do this.


Church employment at Indeed

Indeed is the #1 job site in the world with over 300M unique visitors every month.” 


How do you even start to compete with that? Answer: you don’t. Indeed is what every job board longs to be, and there is a good reason for that. Not only does the site drive incredibly high traffic, but it covers virtually every single type of job you can imagine. 


That may seem daunting, but everything is so streamlined that navigating postings is a cakewalk. Jobs are front and center, literally, and the search process is limited to basic parameters such as salary, location, and date posted. This streamlined approach is highly effective when paired with indeed’s large volume of postings. 


Having said that, for the purpose of pastor jobs, or church openings in general, it would be nice to have filters for church-specific concerns, such as a denomination. 


Indeed In a Nutshell:

  • Pricing is variable and based on local market conditions. 
  • Largest job site around, based on traffic. 
  • Not specific to the Church. 


Glassdoor church openings

Like Indeed, Glassdoor is another hallmark of online job boards. In fact, it’s much more than that, as it offers a number of unique services that aim to promote “positive workplace change through radical transparency.” Two ways they go about this are by allowing employees to leave reviews of their employers and by actively encouraging transparency of wages. 


Like most other large job websites, this one is very easy to use and has plenty of advanced search filters available, though none are specific to church-related criteria.


However, just by entering “pastor” in the keyword search, over 2,000 postings appeared. And plenty of these postings had the “Easy Apply” feature enabled, which allows seekers to, as the name implies, easily apply to the selected job within minutes. 


Glassdoor In a Nutshell:

  • Salaries are incredibly transparent.
  • High-traffic website. 
  • Not specific to the Church.



“ZipJobs are distributed to 100+ top job boards and millions of candidates through daily job alert emails and our mobile apps in order to find you the most qualified candidates as quickly as possible.” Whether you’re looking for a job or a candidate, the features available to you at ZipRecruiter are top-notch. 


The site has a level of polish to match any other top-tier job board, so there are no points deducted there, either. And get this, apparently “4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day.” That sounds too good to be true, but hey, it’s in their marketing! 


Unfortunately, the cost of utilizing this service is not readily available, as the price varies depending on the particulars of your organization, such as number of employees. For seekers, however, it appears everything is totally free, which is totally awesome. Coupling all these things together with ZipRecruiter's other features, such as salary estimates and their mobile app, makes this an attractive option for all your job needs. 


ZipRecruiter In a Nutshell:

  • Variable pricing plans available. 
  • High-quality app for IOS and Android
  • Posts to hundreds of job boards

Simply Hired

SimplyHired - search christian jobs

Simplyhired is aptly named, as their service is incredibly simple. No bells and whistles. No complicated or expensive payment plans. Just a job board and the tools required to get things done. The site is laid out and functions very similarly to indeed.com in that all of the jobs are front and center, clear, and easily navigable. 


However, unlike other job boards, with SimplyHired, you only pay when you’re ready to contact an applicant. 


The process looks like this. First, you post a job. Then you set up custom screener questions. When an applicant applies for your opening, you are able to review their answers to your custom questions as well as review complete resumes. Only then, if you desire to move forward, do you pay to unlock the full contact information for the candidate. In other words, you only pay after you have potentially found a great match. At the time of this writing, the fees start at $4.99 but typically range between $10.99 and $35.99. 


Simply Hired In a Nutshell:

  • Only pay once you decide to move forward with candidates. 
  • Uncluttered design makes scanning for jobs a joy.  
  • Posts jobs to hundreds of job boards.

Church Staffing

Church Jobs at ChurchStaffing


ChurchStaffing claims to be “the largest online job search website for church jobs, pastor jobs, and ministry jobs''. With a little less than a thousand total job postings, that's a tough sell. Nonetheless, this site certainly is somewhere within shouting distance of the top, and that's no small thing. 


ChurchStaffing is a breeze to navigate, and there are plenty of tools available to refine or broaden your search for open jobs. This includes sorting by popular positions, locations, and denominations.


They also make it easy to post your own resume should you be looking for a job. If you would like to take advantage of the premium membership option for $15 per month, job candidates can post multiple resumes and photos and get their names on a mailing list of over 60,000 churches.

Church Staffing In a Nutshell:

  • $249/month, with steep discounts available for 2-6 month posting options. 
  • Tons of search tools.
  • Costs money to post more than one resume. 



This site is virtually a carbon copy of ChurchStaffing — and that is not an exaggeration. In fact, the two sites are owned and operated by the same people. Take a glance at the Contact Us page on the two sites, and you’ll see for yourself! Interestingly, it is noticeably cheaper to post jobs on ChristianJobs. This might be due to potentially lower site traffic, but that’s only a guess.


ChristianJobs naturally offers all the same tools as their sister site. This includes things like resume writing services, career advice and development, and interview tips. Basic membership is also free, meaning you can post one resume for free. 


As you may expect, the premium membership of $15/month allows job seekers to post up to three resumes and upload photos. They can also get their resumes featured, which may increase exposure. All in all, that doesn’t sound like a bad deal! 


ChristianJobs In a Nutshell:

  • $199/month
  • A slightly smaller and cheaper version of church staffing.com — literally.

Christian Career Center

Christian Career Center

As the parent site of Church Jobs Online, Pastor Jobs, and Christian Job Fair, Christian Career Center is more than a job board. It’s focused on a number of other services, such as career counseling, resume writing counseling, and LinkedIn tips. Despite that, it does have a job board, albeit a small one.


Unlike many other church job boards, the postings here are extremely diverse, ranging from a car mechanic to maintain cars for a bible translation nonprofit to a kitchen cook for Teen Challenge. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to find or fill a role in the church or nonprofit space. From teaching to sales, media, pastoring, and administration, this job board has you covered. 


Christian Career Center In a Nutshell:

  • $99/month for the basic plan. 
  • Pricing options for premium services go all the way up to $2,495/year. 
  • Job postings are very diverse across the church and nonprofit space.

Church Jobs Online

Church Jobs

Church Jobs Online has been serving the church since 1997 with “both small church and large church staffing needs.” Not only is the site streamlined and simple to use, but there are also plenty of additional resources for employers to utilize. In the words of the brand, this includes, “Applicant Tracking Software and a dashboard to organize your church staffing needs.”


The site also makes it easy for you to refine your job search via a dropdown menu. This consists of positions covering the full gamut of common staffing needs. Perhaps the greatest benefit of using this site is that if you post a job here, it is automatically posted on a number of high-traffic job sites such as ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Indeed, and others.


Church Jobs Online In a Nutshell:

  • $99/month for the basic plan. 
  • Has been around for 25 years. 
  • Job postings link to other major job boards.

Pastor Jobs

Ministry Jobs at Pastor Jobs

Pastor Jobs is another branch of Christian Career Center, designed to “help Christian Job seekers find their calling in the right pastor positions, and church staffing committees to hire the pastors that are needed to lead their churches.” 


All job posts here are posted on Indeed, Ziprecruiter, SimplyHired, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and more. However, unlike the other Christian Career Center sites, this one is barely functional. Most pages fail to load, and the job board is a virtual ghost town. In other words, be warned. You’re probably well served to focus on using the other job boards. 


Pastor Jobs In a Nutshell:

  • Barely a functioning site.
  • Job postings link to other major job boards

Christian Job Fair

Christian Job Fair

Another sister site of Christian Career Center, Christian Job Fair focuses on — you guessed it — church and nonprofit jobs!


One thing worth pointing out is that this site has the most detailed category search filter of any other job board, with 48 different job categories. These job categories aren’t just different types of church jobs, either. They include openings in seminaries, bible translation, publishing, prison ministries, drug and alcohol counseling, sports ministries, media ministries, and so forth. It really is an impressive variety of jobs on a site that does its job well, no less. 


Christian Job Fair In a Nutshell:

  • $99/month for the basic plan.
  • Under the Christian Career Center umbrella.
  • Many different types of job posts.


The Church Network

Ministry Jobs at Church Network

If you’re looking for a site with an emphasis on business administration rather than pastoral roles, The Church Network is what you’re looking for. In its own words, the job site “is an inter-denominational professional association of churches and individuals which exists to connect, develop, and strengthen church leaders in administration.” 


There are also “Job Posting Enhancements”, which allow employers to feature their job posts, include video material, and integrate with social media. Each of these comes with a fee, of course. 


The Church Network In a Nutshell:

  • $100/month for the basic plan, which includes one job posting. 
  • Primarily focused on the business administration side of ministry. 
  • Less than 10 postings at the time of writing.


Church Job


Whether you are posting an opening or trying to fill one, ChurchJobs does a fine job of putting all of your church staffing needs front and center. The main page is organized well, allowing one to quickly search for jobs by popular positions, locations, and denominations. Additionally, job postings contain useful at-a-glance information such as position, location, denomination, worship style, church size, and more. 


As well as covering all the basics (and doing it well, I might add), ChurchJobs also offers other resources such as background checks and a salary database. The salary database is great, allowing you to research compensation averages for every position common to churches. 


The background checks offered by ChurchJobs are quite extensive, too. They have a range of screening packages to choose from, allowing your church to have peace of mind when it matters most. 


Church Job In a Nutshell:

  • $139/month for the basic plan.
  • Great set of tools. 
  • Beautiful design that promotes ease of use. 


Ministry Well

Ministry Well

Using Ministry Well could not be any easier since basically everything exists on one main page. With approximately 10 jobs posted per month, this site certainly does not sit atop the leaderboards when it comes to site traffic. 


However, what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in clarity. Each job lists the date of posting, full-time/part time status, ministry position, church name, and location. Also, church staff descriptions are quite detailed, with a job descriptions and compensation information listed clearly.


In addition to listing pastor jobs, MinistryWell also offers its Protect My Ministry service. It is “one of the only background check companies that will do a free ‘re-verification’ of records from the national criminal database for a volunteer, and to also do a ‘true’ 50 state search on sexual offenders.” 


Ministry Well In a Nutshell:

  • $30 fee to post to the jobs board for 3 months. 
  • Simple yet competent job board. 
  • Background checks are offered. 


Red Letter Jobs

Red Letter Jobs

Red Letter Jobs strives to equip churches and Christian organizations to hire the best candidates and to aid the people of God in realizing their call.” This site gives off the vibe that it wants to be the Apple of church staffing websites. Red Letter Jobs positions itself as a premium service that offers cutting-edge tools to equip your church. 


Using almost as many superlatives as the Oxford Dictionary, this site boasts to contain the best customer support, a state-of-the-art (and the fastest growing) website, and the greatest savings possible, all while offering a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. 


That guarantee is important to note, as the prices are not cheap. The most affordable option is $50/month for one job posting. However, Red Letter Jobs does claim to use social media ads to promote job postings. This may justify some of the cost and could potentially speed up the candidate search. 


Red Letter Jobs In a Nutshell:

  • $50/month for the basic plan
  • Only a few hundred job postings. 
  • Simple and easy-to-use search tools.




JustChurchJobs offers a wide range of tools that elevate it far beyond a simple pastor job board. Sure, there are search tools for job candidates to filter postings by location, denomination, and role. But this site boasts to have the “widest reach in all of church staffing”. 


This is accomplished by having your job posting automatically posted on a number of major job boards, such as ZipRecruiter and Indeed, as well as denominational and seminary job boards. All of that does depend, however, on the posting plan purchased. The prices range from $150 to $500 for a 30 day posting, with renewal fees of $150/month, regardless of which plan was purchased.


In addition to getting your job posting “out there,” JustChurchJobs also offers a step-by-step hiring framework that includes “a full library of interview questions, essential forms, pre-written email messages, best practices for welcoming your new team member, and much more!”


JustChurchJobs In a Nutshell:

  • $150 for the basic plan.
  • Depending on the package purchased, job postings get pushed out to a ton of major job boards, including seminaries.
  • A dedicated hiring agent. 


crtv church


Unlike virtually every other site, crtvchurch is focused solely on church creatives — aka the people that make things work well and look nice at the same time. For example, positions posted on this site include communications, design, film, IT, leadership, video, and web, to name a few. With options for full-time, part-time, and internships, this is one of the best sites to use for creative church roles. 


Given the target audience, it is unsurprising that the site is both beautiful and simple to use. Jobs are front and center, with no other services distracting from that main mission. This streamlined design carries over into the job postings themselves, with concise, straightforward job details. The services offered in each paid plan are presented clearly, with the most prominent focus for job posters being on the site's social media integration. 


crtv church In a Nutshell:

  • $199/post with posts lasting 5 months. 
  • Squarely focused on church creatives. 
  • Deeply integrated with social media (which is where the creatives are!)




Almost as old as the internet itself, Pastor Search is the granddad of pastor job boards. But hey, grandpas can be great! The question is, can they pull together a good job board?

If you’re judging based on Pastor Search, the answer would appear to be negative. The site is quite limited in functionality, with minimal tools for finding or posting a job.


However, there is a section for people to post an ad for guest speaking, which is not typically available on job boards. 


Using the site, I must admit, is pretty painful and leaves much to be desired. But for a minimal cost of just $35, you can advertise an opening for two months. The website boasts to have thousands of weekly visitors, and if that’s so, then the cost may well be worth it.   


PastorSearch In a Nutshell:


  • $35/post for 60 days. 
  • Limited functionality.
  • A reminder of how far the internet has come.




ChurchJobFinder is a non-denominational ministry that works with all Bible-believing Christian churches that embrace traditional Christian theology.” The implication, of course, is that non-adherence to their statement of belief means they will not work with you. 


However, the statement is short and unmistakably Christian. So, whether you are posting a job or looking to find one, adding ChurchJobFinder to your search isn’t a bad idea! 


ChurchJobFinder functions in a simple and effective way. It utilizes job titles and locations to drive the bulk of searches, with a small number of advanced features to filter beyond that. The site does seem on the smaller side, with less than 100 pastor jobs posted.


However, they do boast to have a monthly traffic count of approximately 20,000 visitors. With competitive pricing at $259/year for unlimited postings, this just may be an attractive option if you have multiple staff roles to fill.


ChurchJobFinder In a Nutshell:

  • $219 for a 60-day job posting. $259/yr for unlimited job posts. 
  • Smaller job board with less than 100 pastor jobs posted at the time of this writing. 
  • Clean site design makes job hunting easy-peasy.




Started in 1998, MinistryJobs has long served the church by helping churches and Christian organizations connect with job seekers. The site is easy to use and beautiful to look at, but unfortunately, there is not very much to see.


That’s because you can basically count the number of job postings using two hands and maybe a foot. On one hand (see what I did there?), that isn’t a bad thing since it means your posting is most certainly going to be viewed by a job seeker.


On the other hand, with so few job postings, one might suspect there is not a lot of site traffic. It’s hard to say. As with most sites, there is no fee to apply for the job. All-in-all, it certainly can’t hurt to add this to your list of places to periodically check for openings. 


MinistryJobs In a Nutshell:

  • Very few job postings are currently listed, indicating this is a low-traffic site. 
  • Pricing options are not readily available.


The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition

While not exclusively a church or pastor job site, The Gospel Coalition does provide a job board with, at the time of writing, nearly 5,000 open jobs. Job boards, unlike job websites, typically do not go beyond the most simplistic search tools and most popular job positions, and this one is no exception. While TGC’s job board is basic, though, it is also very competent.


Each posting contains information for compensation as well as a job overview and job description. Unlike many of the larger church job sites, there is no ability to post your resume here. However, each job posting does contain a simple “how to apply” section at the bottom of the posting, making the process about as easy as one could hope for. 


It’s worth noting that all job postings on this site are expected to align with The Gospel Coalition’s foundation documents, which are theological in nature. While this may sound intimidating at first, the 13 theological positions listed in these documents are the center of the road for the Christian faith. 


The Gospel Coalition In a Nutshell:

  • Free!
  • TGC is a trusted name. 
  • Very high-traffic site. 
  • Job postings must align with their foundation documents.


The Southern Baptist Convention

The Southern Baptist Convention

"The Southern Baptist Convention is a body of like-minded local churches cooperating together to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.” And when they say “a body of like-minded local churches”, what they mean is the largest baptist denomination in the world. In other words, if you are aligned with the SBC’s Baptist Faith and Message 2000, which lays out their theological distinctives, then this would be a great place to find or post a church job. 


The jobs available on this site cover plenty of major roles in the church besides that of a  pastor, covering areas such as administration, education, communication, and so forth. The SBC job board also has a beautiful interactive map reminding you precisely where to find the Bible Belt. You might not think it at first, but seriously, this map is a huge plus for the job seeker. Being able to visualize where open slots are is wonderful to those who count location to be an important factor.  


The Southern Baptist Convention In a Nutshell:

  • Free! 
  • The SBC’s reach is huge, basically like a small country. 
  • The interactive map is a beautiful tool.  


Reformed Theological Seminary

Reformed Church in America

When it comes to seminary job boards, one thing to keep in mind is that the job postings available are typically specific to the denomination of the seminary, which means a generally limited audience. With RTS’s job board, though, that is not the case. In fact, there are job postings for all major Christian denominations. 


These jobs go beyond pastor jobs or even church jobs. There are listings for the seminary itself, as well as para-church organizations. The job postings themselves are top-tier, with full job descriptions, qualifications, salary ranges, and church descriptions. Add to this a clean layout and simple search tools to speed up the process, and it’s difficult to say this job board is anything less than stellar. 


Reformed Theological Seminary In a Nutshell:

  • Free! 
  • RTS is a popular seminary, meaning lots of site traffic. 
  • Job postings are fully fleshed out. 


National Baptist Convention

National Baptist Convention

“Founded in 1886, the National Baptist Convention… is the nation’s oldest and largest African American religious convention with an estimated membership of 7.5 million.” In other words, this one is huge! Job posters are currently reporting that they are receiving an average of 90-120 responses from this website, which is, frankly, a lot. If you interviewed just one person a week, that would take you two years, with leftovers! 


Using the site is not all that bad, as the job board is just a simple list of current openings. Each job post links to a PDF created by the church, and therefore the information provided varies greatly.


However, it should be noted that there are no search tools or anything else to speed up the search. The job openings are listed in order of publication, with the most recent at the top. That’s certainly better than nothing. Having said that, the simple layout is actually quite pleasant and easy on the eyes. So despite the lack of bells and whistles, if this is your denomination and you are looking to take on a pastor job or looking to fill one, it would be hard to go wrong posting here. 


National Baptist Convention In a Nutshell:

  • $149/posting, lasting 6 months. 
  • This job board only serves churches within this denomination. 
  • Almost exclusively pastor jobs.


Reformed Church in America

Reformed Church in America

The Reformed Church in America (RCA) is a mainline Reformed Protestant denomination in Canada and the United States. However, their job board is not limited to the RCA. This site allows job posts from a few other partnering American Protestant denominations, giving it a pretty large audience. 


As is the case with most denominational job boards, the search function and layout of the site are very simple and straightforward. Here you can sort by denomination, full-time, part-time, and remote positions only. 


The job postings themselves lack detail and uniformity and typically link you to the posting church’s website. Most postings have no more than a sentence or two, making that 10-second elevator pitch. But hey, elevator pitches are a thing for a reason!


Reformed Church in America In a Nutshell:

  • Free! 
  • A few major denominations post here. 
  • A simple layout makes scanning job postings easy.




According to web traffic analysis company SimilarWeb, “Jooble is among the TOP-10 websites in the world in terms of traffic in the jobs and employment segment.” This makes sense, considering Jooble is an international job board with activity in 69 countries. One thing that sets Jooble apart from other job boards is that it is really more of an aggregate site, bringing in job postings from “corporate websites, social networks, classifieds, and other resources.” 


Doing a quick search for “pastor” led to 39,000 open jobs showing up. It seemed too good to be true, and well, it was. It turns out only the first few job openings were for a pastor. One brief scroll down the list and suddenly, there were postings for casino operations assistants and preschool teachers. It would seem the search AI with this one has much room for improvement. 


Nonetheless, with just shy of a million job postings, the site is certainly bringing in impressive traffic. It would be worth your time to consider using this one in your job or candidate hunting. If you are a job seeker, Jooble also allows you to subscribe to a mailing list, which should simplify your process quite a bit. 


Jooble In a Nutshell:

  • Absolutely huge reach. 
  • Not specific to the church. 
  • Aggregates job postings from a ton of sources. 


Minister Search

Minister Search

Minister Search is the job board of Internet Ministries, an arm of the Church of Christ, meaning this job board is for the exclusive use of that denomination. Most likely due to the narrow, in-house focus, there really are no bells and whistles to be found (or heard!) here, just a plain and simple listing of open positions.  


That means using the site is about as easy as one could hope. You’re either posting a job or looking for a job, either of which takes just a click or two to complete. And you better act fast, as there is currently an open position offering $55,000/hour (yes, it is clearly a mistake, but maybe they’ll honor the price tag?). 


Minister Search In a Nutshell:

  • It works
  • Church of Christ only




For over a decade, Vanderbloemen "has been helping Christian organizations of all sizes and types find their key staff.” Additionally, Vanderbloemen is “the only Christian Executive Search Firm with membership in the Association of Executive Search Consultants.” In other words, they are kind of a big deal. 


Vanderbloemen has a dedicated, full-time staff with over 180 years of combined ministry experience that has staffed over 2,500 organizations. This experience is put to work for churches, Christian nonprofits, schools, values-based businesses, and family offices. This manifests in a number of different ways, such as hiring and staffing, compensation and benefits analysis, and diversity consulting.


Vanderbloemen also regularly publishes a podcast with high-capacity leaders aimed at giving "insight on how to build, run, and keep great teams." But wait, there's more! They also have a collection of tools on their website that is free to use, such as the Diversity Readiness Tool, Culture Tool, Bad Hire Calculator, and Succession Readiness Tool. 


Vanderbloemen In a Nutshell:

  • Top tier staffing agency offering expertise on a full range of organizational needs.
  • Job board is small, but that's not really their focus.


Slingshot Group

Slingshot Group

Slingshot Group is a staffing agency that will "partner with you to find great leaders, hire quality staff, and unleash your team’s potential." For two decades, they have been a "mission-focused, people-centered organization leading the way in search and coaching". They are aimed squarely at serving churches, ministries, and nonprofits alike. They do this by both helping candidates make themselves known and helping organizations find the perfect candidates for their teams. 


As for the latter, Slingshot Group offers so much more than a place to post an opening. It works alongside and for you, coaching you and your team all the way until candidate placement, with no time limits placed on the process.


If you are looking to become a candidate yourself, Slingshot Group makes it easy to connect with a nationwide network of churches and nonprofits through their streamlined candidate application process. They also offer candidate coaching and help job seekers build a professional portfolio. That way, when churches or other organizations go looking, you are there to find! 


The Slingshot Group job board is fantastic in the way it elevates the job-hunting process. Each opening does the basics well enough, articulating a position description with its key responsibilities. But it also has what is effectively the hiring organization's history, mission, and vision. 


Slingshot Group In a Nutshell:

  • The company is laser-focused on its mission of finding and placing candidates. 
  • A team with decades of ministry experience at your service.


Agora Search Group

Agora Search Group

AGORA is an executive search firm that specializes in recruiting high-level pastors, leaders, and executives for challenging positions in a variety of sectors.” 


Operating since 2000, Agora has worked alongside churches and nonprofits, as well as big-name global firms, to successfully fill more than 170 candidate searches. They promote their work as a four-phase process: define, discover, discern, and decide. 


This process starts first with the client, learning about their organization's story and unique messaging. From there, it moves outward into the market to connect with candidates and conduct interviews before presenting those candidates to the hiring organization. All of this concludes, hopefully, with an offer extended and a job well done. In short, as Agora puts it, “It’s not a transaction. It’s a relationship.”


It is one thing to speak highly of yourself and entirely another thing for someone else to speak highly of you. Knowing this, Agora happily lists a handful of client reviews, which include churches, nonprofits, and corporations, right on their website. Some of the names on this list will stand out immediately, such as Samsung, Amazon, Compassion International, and The Navigators.


Agora Search Group In a Nutshell:


  • Impressive client list
  • Relationally focused and Kingdom-focused. 
  • Clear four-phase process that seems to be working!


Shepherd Staff

Shepherd Staff

Bucking the trend of many other search firms, Shepherd Staff doesn’t say too much about itself. Though they are clearly adopting a “less is more” approach, what they do say about themselves is notable. 


Shepherd Staff is a search firm with nearly 20 years of experience and a loud and proud focus on serving the church. As they say, “Ministry staffing is our full-time job. So it doesn’t have to be yours.” Their four-step process begins with a pre-search phase, which includes an on-site visit and interviews with client staff. It ends with them working with your new hire for one year to ensure long-term success — with dozens of active clients listed on their jobs page.


In addition to providing all the traditional staffing agency work, Shepherd Staff has also developed a number of strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations in order to  bring a number of other services to the church. These include pastoral succession planning, church health assessments, interim pastor placements, and HR management services. 


Shepherd Staff In a Nutshell:

  • Focused squarely on the church.
  • Search fee is paid in monthly installments. 
  • Strategic partnerships provide clients with a bevy of additional services.


Regardless of whether you’re looking for a church position or you’re the one hiring, church staffing is an intimidating and time-consuming process. Job sites, job boards, and staffing agencies can all help you streamline your job search.


So, review your resources and consider your goals. From there, you can go over the options listed above and choose the best fit for your current needs.

Happy staffing and good luck on your next team member!


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