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Articles designed to help you REACH, TEACH, & GROW

At Ministry Designs it is our mission to resource your church and empower you in every way possible to REACH more people, effectively TEACH the Gospel, and GROW your church

Church Website Templates

Is your church website template preventing you from reaching more people? It could be and you might not even know it. In this post, we describe what you need to look for, how to fix it, and share how Omega might help with that process. 


Click Here To Learn More About Church Website Templates


In this resource, your church will learn everything you need to about the tithe and how to accept them for your ministry. It's our prayer that as you review this information to further your understanding of the tithe, God will bless your efforts abundantly.


Click Here To Learn More About Tithe

Church Websites

Is your church website doing its job? 


Have you ever defined what that job is? 


In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to do all of that and much more! Click Here To Learn More About Church Websites



Church Planting

We live in an era where entrepreneurs are launching businesses hand over fist.


From freelancing solopreneurs to major seed-funded startups, a combination of tech tools and internet information means ...

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Church Bulletins

The modern church has completely transformed itself in the last couple of decades. But even more in the last couple of years.

Does your church even still need a bulletin? Click Here To Read More

Tithe and Offering Talks with Scripture Included

The tithe and offering is the lifeblood that keeps the church moving forward, a key component of good financial stewardship.


Often times though, pastors and ministry leaders ... Click Here To Read More

Worship Backgrounds

While church leaders love to focus on big picture stuff, often it’s the little decisions and minor elements of a service that can make or break the experience.



Are you using Worship Backgrounds? Click Here To Read More


Church Tithe

Church tithes are a form of giving that has been practiced since biblical times. It was initially used to support the church financially.


Today, however, it is often misunderstood and misused...

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Tithe in The Bible

Tithing is a topic that has been debated for centuries. Some people say tithing 10% of your income is required by the Bible, while others believe you are only expected to give what you can afford... 

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Stewardship - The Biblical Explanation

The concept of biblical stewardship is constantly brought up in a Christian setting.


But do we ever really stop to think about what being ... Click Here To Read More



27 of The Best Sermon Illustrations Websites

Illustrations are one of the best tools to help teach the Bible.


A well-placed story or a striking analogy can drive home a point like nothing else... Click Here To Read More



Welcome Speech at Church
Everything You Need Know

Anyone who has attended a church service is familiar with a church welcome speech. 

They can take many forms, be of various lengths, and be delivered by any number of different individuals... Click Here To Read More

How Much Do You Tithe at Church?

A tithe is a tenth of your income and is usually paid to the church. Tithes were used to help support widows and orphans, fund Levite works in the temple (priests), and finance certain other religious...

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Fundraising Ideas - Church Addition

Maintaining a church can be expensive so it’s always nice to have some good fundraiser ideas up your sleeve.


Many church buildings are old, and this means that they need a lot of care ... Click Here To Read More

Marketing Your Church - The Ultimate Guide.

Did you know that eight out of ten people will visit your website before they even consider visiting your church?


That’s right.


And we’re not talking about ... Click Here To Read More

Church Annual Report - Ultimate Guide

To start we’re going to talk a little bit about the concept of a church annual report.

Now, the first thing that might come to mind for many of us is what is an annual report in the first place? ... Click Here To Read More

Fundraising Ideas -

151 of The Best Ideas

Fundraising ideas… It’s the question on everyones mind these days. The reason being, it’s pretty easy to find a good cause nowadays.


In our informed day and age ... Click Here To Read More

Community Focused Fundraiser Ideas

One of the greatest challenges for a nonprofit is figuring out ways to fundraise. 


Fundraising can be especially difficult if you are just getting started … Click Here To Read More

The Best Church
Marketing Blogs

We’ve all heard the saying “it’s a small world,” right? But the reality is that the world, both on and offline, is a BIG PLACE!

And while the goal of a pastor is to teach, shepherd, counsel and guide... Click Here To Read More

What Does Tithe Mean?

Tithing is an important doctrine in Christianity because it shows both discipline and respect. It also teaches us to be generous with what God has given us, which leads to a fulfilled life...



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Church Announcements

Every week in the rush to Sunday morning, announcements often fall off the planning radar. The result can be hard for your church to... 



Need to improve your Sunday morning accouncments?  Click Here To Read More


Why Do We Tithe?

Tithing is a way to thank God for the gift he has given us. We are reminded that all our needs come from him, so we should put him first in everything we do- which includes giving back what's his!


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