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Church Website Review
3 Circle Church

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3 Circle Church Website is not Built on the Omage Church Website Builder 


Church Website Design


3 Circle Church Website Design was done by Live Design. 


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Review of the website:


3 Circle Church's website - https://www.3circlechurch.com/ - is designed to represent the organization on the internet. Notably, the website is doing a good job. Herein we'll explore how the website designers created a website that effectively represents the church online.


User Experience


The designers of 3 Circle Church understand the different elements that affect user experience and have taken deliberate steps to improve performance on the user experience front.


#1. Speed Performance


While there are many opportunities for speed optimization that the 3 Circle Church website is yet to take advantage of, the website designers have taken steps to decrease loading speed. Reduced load time improves user experience by availing the site's content to users as fast as possible.


#2. Usability-Optimized


Usability optimization refers to how easy it is for site users, especially new and infrequent users, to learn how to use the site. Exploring the site, we can appreciate the effort made to make the site easy to understand and use. Every element is intuitively designed and placed to make it easy for users to find and use.


#3. Stella Functionality And Navigation


The site adheres to functionality. Everything works correctly and functions as intended. For instance, all the CTAs and links redirect to the correct pages. All the web pages across the site render as they're supposed.


The website designers have removed any navigational bottlenecks that may affect the user experience. Users, especially infrequent users, can navigate to their desired section unencumbered using the header menu, homepage CTAs, and footer menu. 


#4. Conversion Optimized


At the core of every website is the goal to convert. In the case of 3 Circles Church, the goal is to convert infrequent users to fully-fledged church members. To this end, the website is designed with a myriad of Call-To-Actions that allow visitors to learn how to participate in church activities. 


Right at the above fold are CTAs to either watch the church services online or explore the current teaching. The hero section below has CTA associated with Church Groups, Membership, Baptism, and Serve. Finally, they've included a section that has broken down Church Groups and included CTA in the different groups.


#5. Cross-Device And Cross-Browser Compatible, And Responsiveness


You can access and use the website using different devices and browsers. We've tested the site and confirmed you could explore the site using a smartphone (even low-end budget phones with throttling internet connectivity) and large-screen devices such as tablets and laptop computers.


On the responsiveness front, the website does respond well to shifting screen sizes without losing any functionality or information. It works just as well on small screens as on large screens. 


Website Design


3CirclesChurch.com website is optimized to meet users' expectations while ticking all the golden standard website design boxes.


#1. Fitting Typography


On the typography front, the designers have made their site skimmable, easy to read, and accessible. The site uses a combination of text fonts, styling, and colors that reduces the strain on the eyes as you read through the site.


#2. Excellent Site Layout And Structure


A website must balance adding design elements and features and removing clutter. A site full of clutter will confuse users and make it unappealing. On the other hand, when a site is devoid of elements, it will appear unfinished. www.3circlechurch.com strikes a balance between having enough functional and design elements to appear complete while minimizing clutter. It works well and is easy on the eyes.




#1. Niche-Related Copy And Content


The website serves church-related content. From the homepages to the interior pages, every block of text on the website communicates something about the church and its services. The website contains a mixture of evergreen content and recently posted content to deliver the full spectrum of user needs 


#2. Content Does Not Have Grammatical Errors


Going through the website content, you'll appreciate that content has been proofread. Additionally, the content is written in easy-to-understand language – it does not have jargon.


#3. Easy To Read Content 


The combination of optimized typography and small paragraphs makes it easy for website traffic to read the website text. In turn, users are more inclined to interact with the site and learn more about the church and its services. 


#4. Use Of Optimized Multimedia Content


3CircleChurch.com makes use of bespoke multimedia that enhances the site's messaging. For instance, the church uses a sticky footer notification to tell site users about the latest developments.


Search Optimization


#1. The Website Has Implemented All The Fundamental SEO Gold Standards


Much of the optimization intended to provide a Stella user experience also enhances SEO optimization. For instance, implementing clear and efficient navigation and functionality, cross-device and cross-browser optimization, conversion optimization, speed optimization, and much more improve the SEO performance of the site.


#2. Local SEO Optimized


The website includes an SEO-optimized Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) section at the footer. NAP is an essential element necessary for ranking well in local searches. With a website for churches targeting local traffic, NAP optimization is critical, and www.3circlechurch.com has done it right.


The website also delivers localized content, attracting the right traffic.


#3. Website Is Linked To The Organization's Social Media Channels


Linking to social media platforms gives the website social proof, which might enhance the website's SEO. 


Final Thoughts 


As with many websites, there are some opportunities that https://www.3circlechurch.com/ is yet to take advantage of. However, the site has been optimized sufficiently well to help the church attract traffic to the site and, ultimately, new church members.

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