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Church Website Review
Christ Alive Church

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Christ Alive Church Website Tech Stack



Church Website Builder


Christ Alive Church Website is Built on the Omage Church Website Builder 


Church Website Design


Christ Alive Church Website Design was done by Ministry Designs. 


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 What Church Website Template was used?


Christ Alive Church used kit 3 of the Omega Church Website Templates



Review of the website:


Websites are not the preserve of commercial enterprises. Churches can also use the reach and online presence of a website to communicate with the members and reach out to new members. Christ Alive Church has done an excellent job with its website - ChristAliveChurch.net – to create an online presence. Herein we'll delve into what makes this website good in form and function.


User Experience


#1. Usablity - Optimized


The usability of a website refers to the ease and intuitiveness of using a website. A usability-optimized site will intuitively guide users to learn how to use the website and where to find specific information. The ChristAliveChurch.net website is undoubtedly intuitive. For instance, the above fold of the homepage is designed to give users everything they need. It has a conspicuous menu and "Watch Live" and "I'm New" button links. With just these three elements, users can explore the website, learn about the church if they're new members, or watch a live mass.


#2. Excelent Functionality And Navigation


 The designers of the ChristAliveChurch.net website went above and beyond to optimize the navigation and functionality of the website. Even without scrolling down the home page, you can access everything the church offers. From the main menu and sticky pop-up, you can explore the website, and from the Call-To-Action buttons, you can watch a live church mass (using the "Watch Live" button) or acquaint yourself with the church (using the "I'm New" button). The Hero section directs users to different pages of the website.


Other features that improve the website's functionality include a footer menu and an embedded Google map with a pinned location of the church.


#3. Cross-Browser Compatibility


We've tested the website across various devices and browsers. Consequently, we've proved that Christ Alive Church's website is designed for use across the full spectrum of browsers and devices. Whether you're accessing the site on a budget phone with a throttled internet connection or the latest iPhone, you can use the website and interact with its various elements.


#4. FAQ Section  


Every website should be helpful to users. It should intuitively disseminate all the necessary information that the traffic might need or want. ChristAliveChurch.net has an FAQ section to proactively answer all of the frequently asked questions the church receives. This improves the user experience as the website users do not have to dig into many pages to get the information they need. 


#5. Speed & Proformance


ChristAliveChurch.net performs well when tested for desktop core web vitals front, with room for improvement on mobile core web vitals. While the website loads pretty fast on computers, it can be optimized some more to load even faster on mobile devices and tablets.



Website Design


#1. Fitting Typography


The font and its size, color (white or black, depending on the background), and styling make it easy to read the text fast.


#2. Color Pallet


The website's color palette is on-brand. Importantly, using the different shades of blue on a white background makes for an easy-to-read experience. You don't have to squint your eyes to read the black or white text content.




#1. Website Uses Optimized Multimedia Content


The uses multimedia to enhance the church's overall messaging. For instance, the Live Page (https://christalivechurch.net/live/) gives users access to live masses. On the other hand, the Messages page (https://christalivechurch.net/messages/) gives site users access to past messages.


#2. Grammatical Errors-Free Content


The website's content is free of grammatical errors and typos that would otherwise affect the readability and understanding of the content.


#3. The Website Uses A Mixture Of Ever-Green Content And New


The website uses a combination of ever-green content that new users find particularly useful. For instance, the "New Here" section has information for new church members. On the other hand, the "Latest Series" features topics and themes that the church is currently exploring, which is helpful for new and old church members.


#4. Easy-To-Read Content


The readability of the content is an essential factor in how well the website communicates with the website. ChristAliveChurch.net uses simple, easy-to-understand words that people of all ages can understand.


#5. Website Uses Original Niche-Related Copy And Content


The church uses on-brand original content. The images, videos, and summons, among other types of content, are generated in-house. There are no generic stock images and photos. This adds an aura of authenticity to the website and the church.

Search Optimization


#1. The Site Has Implemented Some SEO Gold Standards


 Many of the website's optimizations to enhance the user experience also improve the site's search performance.


These include:

-    a user-friendly site structure, 
-    an optimized main and foot menu, 
-    effective CTAs linked to relevant sections of the website, 
-    an FAQ section that proactively answers questions website users might have, 
-    image optimization, 
-    cross-browser and cross-device optimization, and much more.


#2. Local SEO Optimized


The site delivers localized content regarding the church and the community where the church is located. Additionally, the website designers have optimized the website for local search by including an SEO-optimized Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) at the site's footer. 


#3. Image SEO


The site uses SEO-optimized images that add context and information regarding the topic of interest in every section. Using images (and YouTube videos) breaks the monotony of blocks of words.


Final Thoughts 


Christ Alive Church's website - ChristAliveChurch.net – is designed to help the church communicate with existing and prospective church members. Every aspect of the site is carefully crafted to be on-brand with the overall brand and image of the church. Notably, the optimizations implemented on the website help it to perform well on the user experience and SEO front.

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