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Church Website Review

Church Website Review - South CLT Pres

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South CLT Press Church Website Tech Stack



Church Website Builder


South CLT Pres Church Website is Built on the Omage Church Website Builder 


Church Website Design


South CLT Pres Church Website Design was done by Ministry Designs. 


More Church Website Examples


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 What Church Website Template was used?


South CLT Pres Church used kit 5 of the Omega Church Website Templates



Review of the website:


In this day and age, a church’s website has an important role to play. The website can be considered to be a digital door to the church in question. Today, it is actually common for most people to check out a church’s website before actually making their first in person visit to the church. 


For many people, it’s easy to get a sense of whether a church website is appealing or not at first glance. There are many elements that go into helping you make that first impression. 

With that said, read on below for a comprehensive review of the South CLT Pres Church website. This article will cover all of the main elements/factors that make this such a great site. 


What Makes The South CLT Pres Church Website A Great Website?




When it comes to web design, images have a big role to play. Using images in a website makes it possible for you to say something about your church without actually using any words. This is very important considering the fact that – when it comes to web design – any use of words should be limited to small chunks of text accompanied by an informative image. 

The South CLT Pres Church website does a great job of this. The site uses a combination of high quality images and a few words to tell the church’s story. Furthermore, to give site visitors a great feel of what to expect, the website uses real images of their congregation.  


Logical Layout


Logical layout of a website not only plays an important role in the user experience, but also influences ranking on search engines. The layout makes it easier for search robots to identify the most important pages for end users and webmasters alike. Website layout generally refers to the arrangement of all web-pages in accordance to the hierarchy. A logical layout should make it easy to transition from general topics to specific information on other pages in the site. 

The South CLT Pres Church Website has a highly efficient and logical layout. In addition to presenting the most important information at the front and center of the home page, it only takes one or two clicks to get to more specific information on linked web-pages. This results into a seamless user experience that does not lead to unnecessary confusion and time wasting.


Load Speeds 


The South CLT Pres Church website also does great when it comes to site load speeds. By ensuring that each page on the site loads quickly, visitors can be able to access the information/content they want to without any unnecessary delays. This also means that new users won’t be forced to go to other websites – and churches – just because they are not able to get what they want. 


Search Ranking 


When it comes to attracting new visitors, highly ranked websites on search engine result pages (SERPs) get the lion’s share. And when it comes to church websites in Charlotte, the South CLT Pres Church website is one of the top entries in the SERPs. This means that any internet users search for a church in the area online are more likely to land on the website. 


Useful Information 


A good church website should be able to share useful information in an effective manner. When building a church website, it is important to ask yourself, what information are your end users looking for? What are you looking to achieve by sharing this information on your website? By answering these questions you will be able to identify the type of information that should be published on the site. 


On the South CLT Pres Church website, we have published a lot of useful information in an organized and sensible way. Users can clearly find out where the church is located, service times and other useful information. On top of all that, the website also has a Frequently Asked Questions section that clearly answers common questions that website visitors might have.


Compelling Calls To Action 


A good church website should be able to identify with its audience through the use of compelling calls to action. This can be done in a number of ways, like contacting the church office, donating online or signing up for the church newsletter among others. On the South CLT Pres Church website we used a number of calls to action to get users engaged. For instance there’s a call to “Plan Your Visit” on the homepage; as well as a “Stay In The Know” button inviting visitors to sign up for their weekly newsletter. 




In these modern times, a good and effective website is essential to the success and growth of your church and ministry. There are many elements that constitute a good website. We have discussed some of the main elements that make the South CLT Pres Church website such a great website.

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