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Church Staffing Hub

Church Staffing Hub

Welcome to our church staffing resource! This section of our site is dedicated to helping churches find and hire the best talent to support their ministry goals. Our Church Staffing Hub provides a comprehensive range of resources and tools to help churches navigate the complex process of staffing, from job postings to applicant screening and beyond.


We understand that finding the right staff members for your church can be challenging. Churches are unique institutions with specific needs and expectations, and hiring the right people is critical to achieving your ministry goals.


Our Church Staffing Hub is designed to help you through every step of the process, from creating job postings to conducting interviews and making job offers.


One of the key features of our site is our job board, where churches can post job openings for a wide range of positions, including pastoral roles, administrative staff, youth ministers, worship leaders, and more. We know that churches have different needs depending on their size, denomination, and ministry focus, so this resource is designed to be flexible and customizable to meet those needs. 


In addition to our posts, we offer a range of resources to help churches find and hire the best talent. 


We also offer advice on creating effective job postings and conducting successful interviews, as well as guidance on compensation and benefits.


With our Church Staffing Hub resource, we believe that finding the right staff members is not just about hiring people with the right skills and experience. It's also about finding people who share your church's vision and values, and who are passionate about serving the community. 


We hope that this resource is a blessing you find it valuable the next you find your church in need of a new staff member. 


Remember to check back frequently as this resource will continue to grow. 


In Him! 

The Ministry Designs team.

Free Church Staffing Resources

Church Staff

Running a church is a lot of work. It can be a drain on a pastor emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. As a church grows, one of the options that become available is to hire a larger staff. After all, many hands make for light work, right?

Church Jobs

Whether you’re looking to find a church job or fill one, the process can be rather daunting. Where does one even start? How much will it cost? How long will it take? What happens if the new job or new hire is not working out? All of these are valid concerns, and fortunately, wherever there’s concern …there’s commerce! 


Pastors Average Salary

“You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain”. Very few of us think about this verse when we consider the essential elements of a healthy church. And yet, for Paul, this teaching comes up, one way or another, over and over again in his letters to the churches.

Human Resource Guide for Churches

Thinking about human resources for a church is weird. Here’s why: The church isn’t a business, and the people who show up to your church week after week aren’t customers. 


And yet, your church does have employees, and all of them can benefit from the best human resources ideas and practices. 

Church Volunteer vs Paid Staff?

Church Volunteer vs Paid Staff?

It's a tricky subject for lots of reasons. For starters, most people are in a completely different headspace when they’re volunteering compared to when they’re working. On top of that, sometimes people can be weird about money. Add to that budget crunches, staff shortages, or flaky volunteers, and the dance gets even dicier. 

Church Compensation and Salary Guide

How much should you pay a person who works in your church? This is not an easy question to answer. There are so many different versions of the same job, and compensation expectations vary widely depending on where you live or what your church affiliation is. 

Church Staff Job Descriptions

You sense God doing a new thing. You are looking to hire that next person who God will empower to flourish with their gifts in your church community. The question is, what kinds of church jobs are out there? 

When Should My Church Hire

When Should My Church Hire?

If you’re trying to figure out where your church’s staff should be, size-wise, never fear. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you figure out if your church has a healthy number of employees to manage your collective workload and still treat your staff with dignity and respect.